
Tunes and medleys of the Madison Contradance Co-op band. Note that the table of contents is now up to date. click on either medleys or incipits below for a (web or paper) tune book of the repertoire for the current quarter.

The current (October – December) repertoire is available as a pdf of either the medleys or the incipits (also available in 2 column format). In each case the tunes are ordered by the title of the first tune in the medley. The pdf has a table of contents if you print the music, or you can use a pdf or music reader in which case you can click on the title in the table of contents to go to the tune

Click on any tune or medley to see the dots or click on “[]” to see the chords by themselves. Use your browser’s “back” button (once or twice) to return to this page. You can filter the list using the search box, or sort the list using the arrows at the right of each column. Clicking on the dots will play the tune if you are on a computer or iPad.

Table of Contents (all Tuesday Tunes)

Amelia’s[]modernwaltzDmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Angeline The Baker[]American Old TimereelAngelineFlyAround
DmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Angeline the Vampire[]halloweenreelDminMadCoCo
Archibald McDonald of Keppoch[]ScotlandwaltzDminMadCoCo
Ashokan Farewell[]modernwaltzDmajMadCoCo, Moldy
The Ballyvourney[]IrishpolkaBallyBelleAmixQPlus, MadCoCo
Baridhara Cliffs
La Bastringue[]QuébecreelDmajMadCoCo, QPlus, Moldy
Battle Cry of Freedom[]AmericanmarchBattleCry / JubiloDmajMadCoCo
La Belle Isa[]QuébecpolkaSteve Jones, open micBallyBelleAmixQPlus,MadCoCo
The Belles about the Flat Bush[]EnglishreelBelles / Johnny and DorothyDmajMadCoCo
Bill Sullivan’s[]IrishpolkaTitanic
Cairo / Bill Sullivan
AmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Blood Red Wing[]halloweenreelGminMadCoCo
Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine[]American Old TimemarchOld Town SchoolBonaparteLibertyDmajMadCoCo
Bonnie at Morn[]Northumbriawaltzfiddle & melodeon, sweetAminMadCoCo
The Boy’s Lament for his Dragon @ MadCoCo[]ScottishmarchLiz Faiella
with Robertson’s
Chickadee’s Lament
Brenda Stubbert’s Reel[]Cape BretonreelAdorMadCoCo
Buffalo Gals[]American Old TimereelOld Town School
Old Town School
Buffalo Gals / NewcastleGmajMadCoCo, Moldy
The Bus Stop[]modernreelKeltricityCoffeeBusStopAminMadCoCo
Calliope House @ D[]modernjigby the composerFairJennysCalliopeDmajMadCoCo
Calliope House @ E[]modernjigby the composerFairJennysCalliopeEmajMadCoCo
The Chickadee’s Polka @ MadCoCo[]modernpolkaAudrey Knuthe and Max NewmanOcean / Chickadee / Danforth
Chickadee / Nancy
Quêteux / Chickadee
Chickadee’s Lament
Chickadee / Jenny Lind
Chorus Jig[]New EnglandreelDmix, Gmaj, Dmaj, GmajMadCoCo
Cliffs of Moher[]IrishjigKevin Burke
Martinn Hayes & Dennnis Cahill
Cliffs / Waiting for Nancy
Morrisons / Cliffs / St-Pat
Coffee[]modernjigStringPlay Camp
Chalkboard Poets
Cold Frosty Morning[]American Old TimereelOld Town SchoolColdWren
Cold Frosty-Kitchen Girl
AdorMadCoCo, Moldy
Coleman’s March[]American Old TimemarchColemans / Danforth
Colemans / Wren / Wren
Connaughtman’s Rambles[]Irishjigwith Morrison’s and KeshBminMadCoCo
Cowboy Jig[]IrishjigThe Good TuneOcean / CowboyAmajMadCoCo
The Dancer[]New EnglandwaltzToss the Possum, very tangoEminMadCoCo
December March[]modernmarchRoddyDecemberDmajMadCoCo
Denis Murphy’s Polka[]IrishpolkaTitanicDmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Don’t You Remember the Time[]American Old TimewaltzGmajMadCoCo
Don’t You Remember the Time @ Harmony[]American Old TimewaltzFreeny’s Barn Dance BandGmajMadCoCo
Doon the Brae[]ScottishmarchDoon the Brae / St-Tim
Girl Doon the Brae
Dorset Four Hand Reel[]EnglishreelDorset Golden Slippers
Dorset / Gaspé
Elftune[]modernjigElftuneBaridharaDmix, DmajMadCoCo
Fading Light[]modernjigDemo & LessonFading Reign of LoveEmMadCoCo
Fair Jenny’s Jig[]modernjigFairJennysCalliopeDmajMadCoCo
Far Away[]modernwaltzBminMadCoCo, Moldy
La Fée des Dents[]Québecjigensemble, De Temps Antan
André Brunet
GmajQPlus, MadCoCo
The Finnish Polka[]ScandinavianpolkaKevin Burke
Ievan Polkka a capella
lumberjack band, 1952
Mairis / Finnish
Gaspe Finnish
BminMadCoCo, Moldy
Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss[]American Old TimereelNew Lost City Ramblers
slow demo OTS)
Ola Belle Reed
Carol Ormand calling
Fly Around Sandy Boys
DmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Forked Deer[]American Old TimereelTaylors Kentucky Boys
Bruce Molsky, multi part
Lightning in the East, five parts
Old Town School
DmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Gaspé Reel @ MadCoCo[]QuébecreelLouis BeaudoinGolden Gaspe
Out on the Gaspé
Dorset / Gaspé
Gaspe Finnish
The Girl I Left Behind Me[]American Old TimereelOld Town SchoolGirl Liberty
Girl Doon the Brae
Girl Willafjord
GmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Goin’ Down to Cairo[]American Old Timereelfiddle & banjo, slow
lesson, Bob Borcherding
Cairo St-Tim
Cairo Bill Sullivan
GmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Golden Slippers[]minstrelreelOld Town School, slow with harmony demoDorset Golden Slippers
Golden Gaspe
The Golden Ticket[]modernreelEric Merrill composer
Roger Netherton
Rayna Gellert
Golem’s Slippers[]halloweenreelGminMadCoCo
Green Mountain Petronella @ Miller[]New EnglandreelPetronellasGmajMadCoCo
Growling Old Man and Grumbling Old Woman @ MadCoCo[]QuébecreelLouis Beaudoin
Hope Grietzer with Dannielle Spindler Swart
Old Town School demo
Morpeth / Growling
Spoot / Morpeth / Growling
Amin, AmixMadCoCo
La Gueussinette[]QuébecwaltzTidal Wave/Raz-de-Marée
“Gussie” on piano
BminQPlus, MadCoCo
Hamlet’s Rebuttal[]modernreelCosmic OttersI Miss HamletDmajMadCoCo
Hull’s Victory[]New EnglandmarchRodney MillerFmajMadCoCo
Hundred Pipers[]ScottishjigMichael MuirHundred Pipers / Sandy Boys
Road to Lisdoonvarna / Hundred Pipers
I Miss the California Climate[]modernreelCosmic OttersI Miss HamletGmajMadCoCo
Inisheer @MadCoCo[]IrishwaltzGmajMadCoCo
Jenny Lind @ Edward II[]USApolkaEdward II – recording
Edward II – Live
dead link?
Jimmy in the Swamp[]American Old TimereelOld Town SchoolGmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Johnny and Dorothy Livingston[]ScottishmarchMairi CampbellJohnny and Dorothy / RedWing
Josefin’s Dopvals[]Scandinavianwaltzby the composer, live, with VäsenFmajMadCoCo
Judy and Jim’s Wedding[]modernwaltzDmajMadCoCo
Karapyet[]Eastern EuropeanreelKatushka-KarapyetDminMadCoCo
Katushka[]Eastern EuropeanreelKatushka-KarapyetAminMadCoCo
Kesh[]IrishjigThe Bothy Band – iconicMorrisons / Kesh
Ocean / Morrison’s / Kesh
Kitchen Girl[]American Old TimereelOld Town SchoolCold Frosty-Kitchen GirlAmix, AdorMadCoCo, Moldy
Lament for Adina’s Car[]modernwaltzDminMadCoCo
Liberty[]American Old TimereelBob WillsGirl Liberty
DmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Life’s Fortune[]Old TimewaltzDmajMadCoCo
Da Lounge Bar[]ShetlandjigAnnlaug Borsheim w/ Rannveig Djønne
3 part anglo-scandi
Mairi’s Wedding[]ScottishstrathspeySpeyside SessionsMairis / FinnishGmajMadCoCo
La Maison de Glâce[]QuébecjigRéjean & André BrunetTourment / Maison de GlaceDmajQPlus, MadCoCo
March of St Timothy[]modernmarchcontradance in FlandersDoon the Brae / St-Tim
Cairo St-Tim
Marche à Quêteux Pomerleau[]QuébecmarchAndré Brunet, demoQuêteux / St-Pat / Quêteux
Pomerleau / Jubilo
Quêteux / Chickadee
GmajMadCoCo, QPlus
Margaret’s Waltz @ MadCoCo[]EnglishwaltzAly Bain and Peerie Willie JohnstonAmajMadCoCo
Metsakukkia[]ScandinavianwaltzCafé Musique
Jay Ungar & Molly Mason
Midnight On The Water[]TexaswaltzDmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Money Musk[]ScottishreelBring Back Mony Musk
David Kaynor with Lissa Schneckenburger and Becky Tracy
Betsy Branch & David Kaynor
Money Musk (simplified)[]ScottishreelBring Back Mony Musk
David Kaynor with Lissa Schneckenburger and Becky Tracy
Betsy Branch & David Kaynor
Morpeth Rant[]Englishreelsolo fiddle
fiddle, concertina, accordion, guitar – from Jakarta!
Morpeth / Growling
Spoot/ Morpeth / Growling
DmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Morrison’s Jig[]IrishjigShannon (flute) & Matt (guitar) HeatonMorrisons / Kesh
Morrisons / Cliffs / St-Pat
Ocean / Morrison’s / Kesh
Motel Henry[]QuébecreelBeantown Stomp
Alexis Chartrand
You Married / Motel HenryAmajQPlus, MadCoCo
My Cape Breton Home[]MaritimeswaltzJerry HollandGmajMadCoCo
Nail that Catfish to a Tree @madcoco[]American Old TimereelSteve Rosen, slow)
Volo Bogtrotters demo)
Volo Bogtrotters, performance
Old Yeller / Catfish
Whiskey Before / Catfish
Needlecase[]American Old TimereelDan Levenson
Bob Carlin
Needlecase / Nixon’s
Nixon’s / Needlecase
DmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Newcastle[]Englishreelthe Broadside Band
Alan Jabbour
Buffalo Gals / Newcastle
Belles / Newcastle
Newcastle / Danforth
Nixon’s Farewell[]American Old Timereelby composer Curt Bouterse, with words!
nice porch jam
Needlecase / Nixon’s
Nixon’s / Needlecase
Old Joe Clark @ MadCoCo[]American Old TimereelOld Joe Clark / Waiting for NancyAmixMadCoCo
Old Yeller Dog (Came Trottin’ Through the Meeting House) @ MacCoCo[]American Old TimereelOld Yeller / Catfish
Old Yeller / Pony
Olga Blom’s Waltz []Scandinavianwaltzdiatonic accordion & guitarCameMadCoCo
On the Danforth[]modernreelEmmaLee Holmes-Hicks
House concert, set ends with the Wren
Colemans / Danforth
Newcastle / Danforth
Ocean / Chickadee / Danforth
Out on the Ocean @ MadCoCo[]IrishjigOcean / Chickadee / Danforth
Ocean / Cowboy
Ocean / Morrison’s / Kesh
Out on the Gaspé
Over the Fell Water[]HalloweenreelDminMadCoCo
Over the Waterfall @ MadCoCo[]American Old TimereelRed Wing / Waterfall
Seneca / Waterfall
Waterfall / Roscoe
Pays d’Haut[]QuébecreelDmajQPlus, MadCoCo, Moldy
Petronella[]modernreelvery fast
Lissa Schneckenberger & Benthany Waickman
Red Haired Boy[]IrishreelSeneca / Red HairedAmixMadCoCo, Moldy
Red Scare[]HalloweenreelGminMadCoCo
Red Wing[]Tin Pan AlleyreelSusanna / RedWing
Red Wing / Waterfall
Johnny and Dorothy / RedWing
GmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Reel de Montreal[]QuébecreelAccordion version, with teaching
Lissa Schneckenburger & Bethany Waickman at HMT
Montreal / St-AntoineGmaj, DmajQPlus, MadCoCo
Reel Saint Antoine[]Québecreelcurrent version Maine Fiddle Camp
classic version from Jos Bouchard
Montreal / St-AntoineAmajMadCoCo, QPlus
Reign of Love[]modernreelFree RaisinsFading Reign of LoveEminMadCoCo
Road to Boston[]New EnglandmarchYellow RoadDmajMadCoCo
Road to Lisdoonvarna[]IrishjigRoadCliffs
Road to Lisdoonvarna / Hundred Pipers
Robertson’s Reel[]Shetlandreelwith Boy’s LamentBoyRobertsonAmajMadCoCo
Roddy McCorley[]IrishmarchRoddyDecemberDmajMadCoCo
Rory O’More[]modernjigAmajMadCoCo
Roscoe[]American Old TimereelAnnie Staninec with Luke Abbott twin fiddlesTimmy Clifford / Roscoe
Waterfall / Roscoe
Ross’s Reel[]New EnglandreelFmajMadCoCo
Saint Anne in the Wilderness[]halloweenreelDminMadCoCo
St. Patrick’s An Dro[]Bretonan droSusanbird / StPats
Morrisons / Cliffs / St-Pat
Quêteux / St-Pat / Quêteux
St Pats / Wren
Sandy Boys @ Am[]American Old TimereelFly Around Sandy Boys
Hundred Pipers / Sandy Boys
AminMadCoCo, Moldy
Sandy Boys @ Amix[]American Old TimereelAmixMadCoCo
Saut du Lapin[]QuébecreelGmajQPlus, MadCoCo
Scollay’s Reel[]IrishreelEminMadCoCo
Sean Ryan’s @ Polka[]IrishpolkaTitanicDmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Seneca Square Dance @ MadCoCo[]American Old TimereelYellowRose / Seneca
Seneca / Red Haired
Seneca / Waterfall
Shove that Pig’s Foot a Little Farther in the Fire[]American Old TimereelGmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Spootiskerry[]ShetlandreelStringdancer medleySpoot / Willafjord
Spoot/ Morpeth / Growling
Spotted Pony[]American Old TimereelForkySpotty
Old Yeller / Pony
DmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Star of Munster[]Irishreela bit hyper
Martin Hayes, Clare Style
The Susan Birds of Wendell[]modernjigLoungeBirdsWalk
Susanbird / StPats
Tennessee Waltz @ lead sheet[]modernwaltzDmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Timmy Clifford’s[]IrishjigMikela RayburnTimmy Clifford / RoscoeGmajMadCoCo
Le Tourment[]QuébecjigChris Wicker with Chris WickerTourment / Maison de GlaceCmajMadCoCo, QPlus
Two Rivers[]modernwaltzDmajMadCoCo
La valse du chef de gare[]QuébecwaltzAndré Brunet lesson
Celtic Fiddle Festival
GmajQPlus, MadCoCo
Valse des Jeunes Filles[]modernwaltzMalcolm Dalglish & Grey LarsenDmajMadCoCo, QPlus, Moldy
Varvindar Friska[]ScandinavianpolskaDminMadCoCo
Vigers Polska[]ScandinavianpolskaGmajMadCoCo
Waiting for Fish[]modernwaltzDminMadCoCo
Waiting For Nancy @ MadCoCo[]American Old TimereelCliffs / Waiting for Nancy
Chickadee / Nancy
Old Joe Clark / Waiting for Nancy
The Walk Home[]modernjigLoungeBirdsWalk
Whiskey Before Breakfast[]MetisreelWhiskey Before / Catfish
DmajMadCoCo, Moldy
Wicked Waterfall[]halloweenreelDminMadCoCo
Willafjord[]ShetlandreelSpoot / Willafjord
Girl Willafjord
The Wren[]Bretonan droSt Pats / Wren
Cole / Wren / Wren
The Wren @ Bm[]Bretonan droCole / Wren / WrenBminMadCoCo
Year of Jubilo[]American Old TimereelBattleCry / Jubilo
Pomerleau / Jubilo
Yellow Rose of Texas[]American Old TimereelCathy Fink, Marcy Marxer, Janie Rothfield and Ralph GordonYellow Road
YellowRose / Seneca
DmajMadCoCo, Moldy
You Married My Daughter[]QuébecreelWalt Koken
Tommy Duchesne
You Married / Motel Henry
GmajMadCoCo, QPlus
Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text